Monte Carlo Script ================== In this appendix, I present how PECOS can be used to create a script to runs a Monte Carlo simulation to determine logical error-rates versus physical error-rates for a fixed distance of a medial surface-code patch. The break-even point where the physical error-rate equals the logical error-rate is known as the `pseudo-threshold`. The `threshold` is the value the pseudo-threshold converges to as the distance of the code approaches infinity. We begin by creating a Python script ```` and importing NumPy and PECOS: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import pecos as pc For this example, we will evaluate the identity gate of ``SurfaceMedial4444`` and start in the ideal logical zero-state: .. code-block:: python surface = pc.qeccs.SurfaceMedial4444(distance=3) logic = pc.circuits.LogicalCircuit(layout=surface.layout) logic.append(surface.gate("ideal init |0>")) logic.append(surface.gate("I", num_syn_extract=1)) circ_runner = pc.circuit_runners.Standard(seed=0) logical_ops = surface.instruction("instr_syn_extract").final_logical_ops[0] Here we also initialize the ``circuit_runner`` we will use and create the variable ``logical_ops``, which stores the logical operations of the QECC. This can be used to determine the logical error-rate since we can track whether errors flip the signs of the logical operators. Now we choose the depolarizing channel as our noise model (see :ref:`error-gens`) and the MWPM decoder (see :ref:`decoders`) to interpret syndromes and determine recovery operations: .. code-block:: python depolar = pc.error_gens.DepolarGen(model_level="code_capacity") decode = pc.decoders.MWPM2D(surface).decode We next create the function ``determine_fails`` to decide if logical error occurs by examining whether, after applying a recovery operation to the state, errors have flipped logical :math:`Z`. Note, since we are just protecting a logical zero-state we are only concerned with errors that flip the sign of the logical :math:`Z` operator. :math:`Z` errors do not affect the state. The ``determine_fails`` function is: .. code-block:: python def determine_fails(meas, decoder, circ_runner, state, logical_ops, fails): if meas: recovery = decoder(meas), recovery) sign = state.logical_sign(logical_ops["Z"], logical_ops["X"]) fails += sign return fails We are now almost ready to define the Monte Carlo loop. First, however, we set ``runs`` to represent the number of evaluations we will make per physical error-rate. Next, we add the variable ``ps``, which is set to an array of 10 linearly space points between 0.1 and 0.3 to serve as the physical error-rates that we will evaluate. This array is created by NumPy's ``linspace`` function. Finally, we include the variable ``plog``, which stores the logical error-rates we find corresponding to the physical error-rates in ``ps``. All of this is done in the following lines: .. code-block:: python runs = 10000 ps = np.linspace(0.1, 0.4, 10) plog = [] We now create the Monte Carlo loop, which prepares a fresh initial state, applies depolarizing noise with a probability chosen by looping over ``ps``, and counts the number of failures (logical flips) to determine the logical error-rate, which is stored in ``plog``: .. code-block:: python for p in ps: fails = 0 for i in range(runs): state = pc.simulators.SparseSim(surface.num_qudits) meas, _ =, logic, error_gen=depolar, error_params={"p": p}) fails = determine_fails(meas, decoder, circ_runner, state, logical_ops, fails) plog.append(fails / runs) print("ps=", list(ps)) print("plog=", plog) When this script is ran, an example output is: .. code-block:: python ps = [ 0.1, 0.13333333333333336, 0.16666666666666669, 0.2, 0.23333333333333336, 0.2666666666666667, 0.30000000000000004, 0.33333333333333337, 0.3666666666666667, 0.4, ] plog = [0.0588, 0.102, 0.1497, 0.1835, 0.2241, 0.2702, 0.3052, 0.3485, 0.3783, 0.4017] One can then use plotting packages such as Matplotlib to produce plots as appropriate for the data. PECOS provides a tool for quickly plotting and evaluating logical vs physical error-rates: .. code-block:: python from import plot_pseudo plot_pseudo(deg=2, plist=ps, plog=plog) Running this tool results in the plot: .. image:: ../images/nonmedial_pseudo_threshold.png :align: center :width: 400px The script described in this appendix can be used as a basis for developing other Monte Carlo simulation scripts for evaluating pseudo-thresholds or thresholds.